To create a company/employer account on Bestjobs, follow these steps:
- Visit the website
- Click on the "Sign In / Sign up" button in the top-right corner and select the "Sign up" tab.
- Enter the email address or phone number you wish to register with and set a unique password.
- Click the "Register" button. If the provided email/phone number has not been used previously, your account will be successfully created, and you will be logged in.
- To start the recruitment process on Bestjobs, access the menu in the top-right corner, select the "Hire" option, and switch to the employer profile.
- To complete your company details, access the menu in the top-right corner, select "Edit Profile," and add your company information.
If you encounter any issues or if the email address/phone number is already in use, you can reach out for support at or contact us by phone at +40 31 710 4224.